Ukrainian Association for Andrology and Sexual Medicine

Ukrainian Association for Andrology and Sexual Medicine (UAASM) was founded on January 19th, 2006 in Kyiv, Ukraine with aim to provide the communication between scientists and physicians working in the area of andrology and sexual medicine; share views and experience; coordinate scientific and practical directions; implementation of up-to-date international achievements in everyday practice; to promote quality of training for specialists and introduce new methods and international standards into the medical practice in our country.


Nowadays, there are more than 52 members of the Association all over Ukraine. The members of UAASM are researching the fundamental problems of andrology, including inflammatory and endocrine diseases, vascular erectile dysfunctionmale and female sexual dysfunction,  genital surgerypsychogenic sexual disorders and infertility problems.


UAASM is an affiliated member of ESAU, ESSM and ISSM since 2019.


«Andrology and sexual medicine» is the official journal of the UAASM.


Association organizes national conferences and congresses annually. Is a host of master-classes and live surgery sessions from famous world scientists and surgeons.


Many well-known specialists in the field of Sexual Medicine, such as I. Monkada, S. Perovic, C. Bettocchi, S. Salsalone, R. Djinovic, N. Sopko, J. Chen, A. Kadioglu, S. Chayan, A. Giwercman, A. Gomula, P. Scheplev, I. Dumbraveanu, I. Achmedov, Z. Marshania etc. were invited to these events.